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Возможные причины и пути решения 18650 литиевая батарея не заряжается

июнь 18, 2023

Существует множество ситуаций, когда 18650 аккумулятор не может быть заряжен. Различные проблемы требуют соответствующих методов ремонта для решения проблемы. 18650 аккумулятор не может заряжаться. Итак, каковы причины и решения, почему аккумулятор не заряжается??

Возможные причины, по которым 18650 литиевая батарейка cannot be charged are as follows:

Плохое соединение с аккумулятором: If the battery and charger are in poor contact, the battery cannot be charged. В настоящее время, you need to check whether the contact between the battery and the charger plug is good, or try replacing the charger and battery.

Incorrect battery polarity: If the battery is inserted into the charger backwards, it will also cause the battery to not charge. The correct operation is to connect the positive pole of the battery to the positive pole of the charger, and the negative pole of the battery to the negative pole of the charger.

Faulty charger: If the charger itself fails, it can also prevent the battery from charging. В настоящее время, the charger needs to be replaced to solve the problem.

Battery aging: If the battery has been used for a long time, the battery capacity may have decreased, and the internal resistance of the battery may have increased, which will cause the battery to not be fully charged. В настоящее время, a new battery needs to be replaced.

Insufficient charging voltage: If the output voltage of the charger is insufficient, the battery will not be fully charged. В настоящее время, it is necessary to check whether the output voltage of the charger meets the requirements of the battery.

In short, if the 18650 lithium battery cannot be charged, it is necessary to check the battery connection, polarity, зарядное устройство, battery aging and other factors to find the problem and repair or replace the device.

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