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Как долго время цикла и реальный срок службы аккумуляторной батареи LiFePO4?

April 26, 2023

Сколько лет реальный срок службы литий-железо-фосфатного аккумулятора?? по факту, Срок службы литиевых аккумуляторов аналогичен. Будь то литий-железо-фосфатная батарея или тройная литиевая батарея., Фактический срок службы зависит от способа использования и защиты пользователя..

Что такое литий-железо-фосфатный аккумулятор?

Lithium iron phosphate battery is a kind of lithium ion battery, which refers to a lithium ion battery using lithium iron phosphate as the positive electrode material. It is characterized by strong safety and stability, high temperature resistance and good cycle performance.

How long is the real life of lithium iron phosphate battery pack?

The cycle life of long-life lead-acid batteries is about 300 раз, and the highest is 500 раз. The lithium iron phosphate power battery has a cycle life of more than 2000 раз. Lead-acid batteries of the same quality arenew for half a year, old for half a year, and maintained for half a year”, which is 1 в 1.5 years at most, while lithium iron phosphate batteries are used under the same conditions, and their theoretical life will reach 7 в 8 лет.

Lithium iron phosphate battery packs are generally available for about 8 лет; but if they are used in the south. The life of lithium iron phosphate battery is longer than 8 лет. The theoretical life of the lithium iron phosphate battery pack also exceeds 2000 charge and discharge cycles, even if it is charged once a day, it can last for more than five years. Вообще говоря, it is charged once every three days for daily household use, and it can be used for about eight years.

The service life of the lithium iron phosphate battery pack is about 5000 раз. The battery has its own number of cycle discharges (такой как 1000 раз) when it is produced. If it exceeds this number of charges and discharges, the battery will die, and the complete discharge will seriously affect the use of the battery. , so don’t over discharge it.

Advantages of lithium iron phosphate battery pack compared with lead-acid battery:

1. Большая емкость. Lithium battery cells can be made into 5Ah~1000Ah (1Ah=1000mAh), while lead-acid battery 2V cells are usually 100Ah~150Ah, and the variation range is small.

2. Легкий вес. The volume of the lithium iron phosphate battery pack with the same capacity is 2/3 of the volume of the lead-acid battery, and the weight is 1/3 of the latter.

3. Strong fast charging capability. The starting current of the lithium iron phosphate battery pack can reach 2C, which can realize high-rate charging; the current requirement of the lead-acid battery is generally between 0.1C and 0.2C, which cannot achieve fast charging performance.

4. Environmental protection. Lead-acid batteries contain a large amount of heavy metal-lead, which produces waste liquid, while lithium iron phosphate battery packs do not contain any heavy metals, and there is no pollution in production and use.

5. High cost performance. Although lead-acid batteries are cheaper than lithium iron phosphate batteries because of their cheaper materials, they are less economical than lithium iron phosphate batteries in terms of service life and daily maintenance. Practical application results show that the cost performance of lithium iron phosphate batteries is more than 4 times that of lead-acid batteries.

For more inquiries of the customized battery packs,пожалуйста, свяжитесь с:


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