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Что такое взрывозащищенная литиевая батарея? Разница между взрывозащищенной литиевой батареей и обычной литиевой батареей.

июнь 8, 2023

Explosion-proof lithium battery is a battery product designed to improve the safety performance of литиевые батареи in special environments. Взрывозащищенные литиевые батареи обычно принимают специальные меры безопасности., такой как:

1. Используйте высокопрочную взрывозащищенную защитную оболочку, чтобы противостоять внешним столкновениям и экструзии..

2. Оборудован схемой защиты., it can automatically disconnect or discharge when the internal temperature or pressure of the battery exceeds the safe range, so as to avoid abnormal conditions such as short circuit, overcharge or overdischarge of the battery.

3. A pressure valve is set to release the internal gas when the internal pressure of the battery is too high, thereby controlling the temperature and pressure inside the battery.

4. Using high temperature and high pressure resistant explosion-proof materials, it can be used in special environments such as high temperature, high pressure, explosive and flammable.

Explosion-proof lithium batteries are suitable for important fields such as petroleum, chemical industry, military industry, coal mines, and ships, and can improve the safety performance and reliability of equipment. Например, explosion-proof lithium batteries can be used in minersheadlights, equipment monitoring, natural gas detection, oil exploration and other fields, and their safety performance has been widely recognized.

The main difference between explosion-proof lithium batteries and ordinary lithium batteries lies in safety performance.

Explosion-proof lithium batteries are designed to improve the safety performance of lithium batteries. Special safety measures are adopted, such as high-strength shells, protection circuits, pressure valves, и т.д. are installed. Once the internal temperature or pressure of the battery is too high, the It can automatically discharge or quickly release the internal gas, so as to avoid safety accidents such as battery explosion or fire. Explosion-proof lithium batteries are usually used in special environments such as high temperature, high pressure, explosive and flammable, such as petroleum, chemical, военные, mining and other industries.

Compared with explosion-proof lithium batteries, ordinary lithium batteries do not have these special safety measures, and their internal pressure and temperature are not specially monitored and adjusted. Once an abnormality occurs, it is easy to cause safety accidents such as explosions and fires. Ordinary lithium batteries are used in daily electronic equipment, мобильные телефоны, портативные компьютеры, электромобили и другие области.

In short, the main difference between explosion-proof lithium batteries and ordinary lithium batteries lies in safety performance, and different products are selected for different occasions and application requirements.

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