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Каковы преимущества и недостатки тройных литиевых батарей и никель-металлгидридных перезаряжаемых батарей??

Может 8, 2023

С прорывным ростом цифровой индустрии, применение троичных литиевых батарей и никель-водородных аккумуляторов становится все более обширным., начиная от использования традиционной бытовой техники мелкого производства (такой как: фены, электрические зубные щетки, бритвы) к умным продуктам (например, планшетные ПК, солнечные уличные фонари, роботы, автомобили на новой энергии, электрические транспортные средства) and other industries.

Ni-MH rechargeable batteries have their own advantages and disadvantages compared with ternary lithium-ion batteries.

1. Advantages and disadvantages of nickel metal hydride batteries

1. Good performance in ultra-low temperature charging and discharging;

2. The service life of the circulation system (increased to one thousand times);

3. Зеленая охрана окружающей среды, energy saving and no pollution;

4. The development and design of scientific research technology is more perfect than lithium-ion batteries.

5. Compared with lead-acid batteries, the energy density has been greatly improved, the net weight energy density is 65 watts per hour, and the volumetric energy density has been greatly increased by 200 watts per hour/L;

6. High power, high density, high current charging and discharging;

The performance of ultra-high temperature resistance is poor, so it is not necessary to let the ambient temperature of the battery exceed 45 степени. В противном случае, the service life will decrease rapidly, and the internal resistance of the battery may expand.

Excessive charging is very harmful to battery life and has corresponding safety risks, so charging should be terminated when the battery is full.

Second, the advantages and disadvantages of ternary lithium batteries

1. Высокая плотность энергии, good circulation system performance, more suitable for the future development trend of new energy vehicle batteries in the future, suitable for the northern climate, and the battery becomes more stable at ultra-low temperatures

2. Нет памяти, over-charging protection, over-discharging protection, защита от перегрева, защита от сверхтока, these key links can be further enhanced to make the design of safety precautions more perfect and scientific, so that It is also possible to allow the battery to run under the safety protection working state. Ternary lithium-ion batteries are more suitable for current and future household electric vehicles than lithium iron phosphate batteries

3. The ternary lithium-ion battery has strong high and low temperature adaptability, and can also be used safely in the natural environment of -20°C-60°C. After correct processing in the production process, it can also be used safely in the natural environment of -45°C use;

4. The ternary lithium-ion battery is environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Regardless of processing, safe use and scrapping, it does not contain or produce any toxic and harmful heavy metal elements and substances such as lead, mercury, and cadmium;

Следовательно, if you need a battery with a large output power, you can choose a nickel-metal hydride battery, which has a green, environmentally friendly, energy-saving output and a stable rated voltage. If it is used in a mobile phone handheld portable small device, you can choose a ternary lithium-ion battery.

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