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Cos'è la batteria al litio? Quali sono i componenti e i vantaggi del pacco batteria al litio ?

aprile 10, 2023

Lithium battery packs refer to the assembly and production of lithium batteries, also known as the lithium battery pack. Pack refers to the customized packaging, packaging and assembly of lithium batteries. The main process is divided into three parts: processing, assembly and packaging. When several modules are controlled or managed by the BMS and the thermal management system, this unified whole is called the lithium battery pack.

Composition of the lithium battery pack:

Pacco batteria al litio structure generally includes positive electrode, elettrodo negativo, elettrolito, diaframma, battery shell and other components. Generalmente, it is composed of multiple battery packs, and adds the battery management system BMS, which is the products finally provided to users by the lithium battery manufacturer. There are two kinds of shell material of lithium battery package, there are the difference between soft package and hard package such as aluminum shell and steel shell.

Features of the lithium battery pack:

1、Functional integrity and can be used directly.

2、Diversity, a need for multiple realization.

3、Long service life.

4、Each lithium battery pack can give full play to the energy of the battery, sicuro e affidabile.

5、The Lithium battery pack specifications can be customized according to requirements.

Attualmente, the lithium battery pack is widely used in the consumer electronics market, covering mobile phones, computer portatili, game consoles, fotocamere digitali, portable devices, Telecommunication devices,Portable office devices,Video devices,Portable exchange devices,Illuminate devices,portable medical equipment and so on.

For more inquiry of customized battery packs,si prega di contattare :

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  • Come ottenere le batterie

    in primo luogo,inviaci il tuo specifica della batteria requirements.Secondly,dopo tutti i dettagli sono confermati informazioni,campioni di batteria saranno organizzati per il vostro testing.Thirdly,La produzione di massa sarà organizzato dopo che i campioni sono stati approvati.

  • certificazioni

    certificazioni richieste possono essere fatti secondo i clienti’ requisiti.

  • Informazioni sui contatti

    Numero di telefono:0755-82772785